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Lockdrop Allocation Formula

Concluding Parameters

From the Lockdrop Conclusion Metrics page, backed up here:

{% hint style="success" %} The final ETH/EDG ratio is 1 ETH : 1,156 EDG. {% endhint %}

Total Locked ETH1,199,728 ETH
Total Signalled ETH4,346,544 ETH
EDG Distributed to Lockers64.1%
EDG Distributed to Signals25.9%
EDG Distributed via Genesis10%
Effective Lockers ETH2772238 ETH
Number of ETH Addresses participating in Locks2869
Number of ETH Addresses Participating in Signals1922
Effective Signalers ETH1120407 ETH
Network Launch DateFeb 17 2020
ETH in Generalized Locks313,872 ETH
Additional effective ETH attributable to generalized lock251,098 ETH

{% hint style="info" %} Effective ETH is contributed ETH modified by the bonus, lock weight and EDG/ETH ratio. {% endhint %}

Lock-Allocation Calculation

In the lockdrop event, the number of EDG actually obtained by each locking user is determined by a formula:

$$ timingBonusModifer lockWeight userETHLocked*(totalEDG/totalETH) $$


Timing Bonus Ratio: User-Controlled Parameter.
The earlier you lock in the event schedule's 7 bonus periods, the higher this bonus modifier is. Per the above schedule, the parameter options are:

Time PeriodBonus Modifer
June 1 - June 151.5
June 16- June 301.35
July 1 - July 151.23
July 16 - July 301.14
July 31 - August 141.08
August 15- August 291.05
August 30 - August 311

Weight: User-Controlled Parameter.
Participating via a three-month lock will get 1(weight) when distributing EDG tokens; Participating via a twelve-month lock will get 2.2 (weight) when distributing EDG tokens.

User's Locked ETH: User-Controlled Parameter
The specific number of ETH the user locks.

Total Allocatable EDG: System Parameter
_**_Total EDG in at Edgeware genesis is 5 billion, or 5,000,000,000. 4.5 billion is distributed via the lockdrop event. Therefore, total allocatable EDG is 4,500,000,000.

Total Locked ETH: Aggregated User Contribution
The total number of ETH locked.

Ratio of EDG to ETH:
The number of lockdropped EDGs that one ETH can obtain. This parameter cannot be known until the end of the lockdrop event because the total ETH locked must be known. Since the event closed and stats have been published, it is understood to be 1 ETH : 1,156 EDG.